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March 28, 2025
Motion Federal Credit Union



Access your E-Statements


It’s FREE. It’s FAST. It’s EASY!
FREE E-Statements are Motion’s version of your paper statement. You can view your E-Statements electronically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are many reasons to sign-up for E-Statements:

Go GREEN – Get rid of that extra piece of mail each month and save a tree.

Great SAVINGS – Paper statements are an added expense for member/owners. E-Statements help to cut the cost of printing and mailing, which results in returning more money to member/owners in the form of more services, better rates and lower fees. Save time, save postage and save yourself from a growing stack of paper.

It’s SAFE – Peace of mind awaits you with E-Statements. You’ll get complete privacy via password protection.

Gain EASY ACCESS – Download your E-Statements from any computer with just a few clicks. Get Your Statement Faster – You don’t have to wait for the mail, you’ll have access to your statements days earlier than paper statements.

Enroll today and enjoy the convenience of E-Statements! It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

For your convenience you can sign up by registering online. This will get you in Motion to receive your statements quickly and easily.

Federally Insured by the NCUA

Share insurance coverage is provided by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an independent government agency that charters, regulates and insures federal credit unions. Your shares are backed by our solid financial standing. However, the insurance protects members against loss if a federal credit union fails.

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